Zurück zu den Lehrern

Natalie Cosby


You might find me… Chillin with family and friends! Traveling to somewhere that has a beach and sunshine or the dance floor

In my class you will…let go of things that does not serve you! You may laugh, cry, chill or all of the above! Release it and see what’s possible!

 My vices: people watching lol, dark chocolate and all things dairy

Training(s):  ArhantaYoga (India) 200Hr


Mein Terminplan
25 Thursday
Noch nichts
26 Friday
Noch nichts
27 Saturday
Noch nichts
28 Sunday
12:00 PM
Stacked After Hours Antigua Sailing Week
mit Natalie Cosby
5 Stunden
29 Monday
Noch nichts
30 Tuesday
Noch nichts
1 Wednesday
Noch nichts